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Feedback from Subscribers

Skip the beer or lunch with friends.  Join the best selling newsletter for small business owners in South Africa.

Thapelo Mohapi
Business Development Manager

You are a gifted educator and I trust I will have a lot of wisdom to take note of when I am done.  I will also recommend your work to my colleagues.

Brian Poopedi
Innovation Strategist, Revoquest Consulting

If you want your ideas to be truly tested, and if you want a robust exchange.  Then call Vusi.  He has a vast range of knowledge and experience, and is able to convey it in an empowering yet firm way.

Vulumuzi Bhebhe
Author, Entrepreneur, Facilitator and Lecturer

“I call Vusi Prof because he has a wealth of knowledge and wisdom.  He has an excellent command of writing, teaching and transferring critical skills that would take mental gymnastics for even seasoned business people to understand”

I quit corporate in 2022 & started afresh
I'm Vusi Sindane. I worked for myself from 2005 - 2016. Then I was offered a full time job with perks I could not refuse. 6 years later after running a large portfolio I left and cycled 3257km across South Africa, and started a new small business (skybookings.com). Doing it the second time meant learning all over again. Now I have no greater desire than to share the crystallised lessons & tools with fellow small business owners.
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Business is Not About Talent

It's about tools and systems, and they are one click away

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Free Bonuses

I write and sell e-books online.  Download all off them for free when you sign up.

psychological warfare

I learned the hard way that conflict is inevitable and not everyone has the best intentions.  Unless you can read the room and understand what’s happening behind the scenes, you cannot achieve your greatest goals. Psychosocial Warfare is an e-book on psychological Self Defence, just as important if not more important than physical self defence.  Get it for free instant download when you sign up.

The Leap

Are you feeling stuck or lost? Do you feel like you’re not living up to your true potential? Perhaps it’s time to take a leap of faith and reinvent yourself. I did it in 2022 when I quit my job to cycle 3257km from Musina to Cape Town to raise money for 10,000 school shoes.  Let me guide you with this work book.  Get it free instant download when you sign up.

Business Proposal Blueprint

Most proposals end up in the bin.  Find out why, and how to avoid this.  Learn how to build trust and credibility on paper, and how to unlock your biggest deal yet: whether it’s a promotion, a new project, a client or fundraising.  It all comes down to writing a solid proposal. Download the Business Proposal Blueprint for free when you sign up.

the Achiever Workbook

Most people do not know that there are two types of goals. One kind of goal is achiever with discipline.  However, the other kind of goal, no matter how hard you work or how disciplined you are, it cannot be achieved.  It needs something else.  Find out what it is and how to be a high achiever.  Download the achiever workbook for free when you sign up.

I wish your business will work while you play

It’s not about slaving away in your business.  It’s about building a business that funds your lifestyle and protects your time and freedom.

Join 1.5k+ South African Business Owners

Vusi Sindane | Copyright 2024

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