
A guide to taking a leap of faith & re-inventing yourself

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Re-invent yourself, find clarity and live by design

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From Corporate Guy to Crazy Cyclist: You too can re-invent yourself.

I cycled 3257km from Musina to Cape Town for 10,000 school shoes.

How to get unstuck and re-invent yourself

If you are trapped in a terrible job, relationship or failing business, it’s time to take a leap and re-invent yourself.

Most people remain where they are, hoping things will get better.  “If I work harder, the business will succeed; if I become more submissive, the relationship will get better; if I please my boss, I will get a promotion.”  These are often traps, more than they are solutions.

In 2021, I faced a similar situation.  

I was an executive director (or CEO), managing a school.  Before that, the Chief Operating Officer, managing 16 companies.  But the corporate life was at odds with my values: stress, egos, endless work, never spending quality time with family – you name it.

Eventually, I quit, thinking I will be okay because I had lots of experience in business, I had a great network, and I was earning well.  But my horror story began.  I fell into a deep depression and my brain froze.

Lost all my income.  Couldn’t think.  Couldn’t do anything.

Luckily I had a coach who insisted I journal every day.  Eventually, I stopped everything and cycled 3257km from Musina to Cape Town (the length of South Africa) to reflect on life and start again.  This became the best decision of my life. 

Having reviewed my journal recently, I found a pattern. 

It went something like this:

Phase 1:  Leap of Faith
Phase 2: Freedom leading to confusion
Phase 3: Depression & loneliness 
Phase 4: Re-building and re-alignment
Phase 5: Lifestyle design & re-birth 

I called a few friends who also left their jobs or went through a big transition and founded that their journeys was similar.

Why isn’t anyone talking about this?  I did some academic research and found exactly the same journey.  It’s a universal pattern, it seemed.

So, I decided to create this booklet with 1 objective: 

My objective is to share a map of personal transformation with anybody feeling stuck and ready to take a leap of faith.

Importantly, most people get stuck in phase 3.  Unfortunately they go to doctors, get anti-depressants, or just go back to their old ways, not knowing that it’s all part of the process.  Further – that there’s a way of moving forward in each step.

I hope this booklet will keep you moving swiftly until your re-birth.  And I will be available via email to answer questions and provide clarity

Vusi Sindane

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